From Tiki Tiki the journey heading North crosses the main range that forms the East Cape and arrives on the northern side at Te Araroa. Here at Te Araroa is reputedly the oldest Pohutakawa tree in New Zealand.

Somewhere in Te Araroa there was someone with talent as evidenced by a number of beach sculptures made from collected driftwood.
A beach where life has a somewhat tenuous grip on life.

Next stop that day was overlooking Hick Bay and the Hicks Bay Motel. There were better pics taken but for us it's some 36 years since we were here and it was somewhat nostalgic to include the motel.

Between Hicks Bay and Lottin Point we found one of the more scenic and idyllic parking spots on our East Cape trip. This is what motorhoming is all about. Parked for lunch by a river on a shingle bank on a great summers day watching the world go by.

After lunch on the way to Oruaiti Beach we came across the turnoff to Lottin Point. The road was ok a far as the motel but after that, the last Km, it became a little like out of the movie RV, somewhat more difficult for a large 7m vehicle low trees and all. It was worth the effort to revisit, some 45 years later, such a great diving spot.

That afternoon whilst driving alongside Oruaiti beach we saw a POP sign and a paddock with a couple of other motorhomes in it. This looked good to us so we stopped and enquired as it wasn't in the book. $5 per night with good water available and home grown vegetable to buy. So it was Oruaiti Beach for New Years Eve.

New Years Day, tomorrow, will find us passing through Waihau Bay, Raukokore, Mareheko Bay, Hawai Bay.
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