25 January - 10 February 2011
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This blog is best viewed in conjunction with Raewyn's email episode that corresponds with the same days and dates. If you don’t get that email let us know. There are a great deal more pics taken at places mentioned and places in between. Pics have been taken by Raewyn and myself. At some of the locations where pics have been taken from there were geocaches. For interest these have been identified with ‘GC’. If you want to know about geocaching check out www.geocaching.com
(NOTE: If you have any trouble with pics ‘fully showing let me knowbarrieb@arkon.co.nz Also if you double click on the pic it should show completely.)
This post is more about the countryside that the photography. Pics in this blog were taken at Kinloch, Bendigo, MacKenzie, Omarama, Ohau A, Tekapo, Lake Alexandrina, Fairlie, Geraldine, Woodbury, Mayfield, Arundel, Valetta, Rakaia, Tai Tapu, Lincoln, Barry's Bay, French Farm, Onawe, Akaroa, Orton Bradley Park
On one of our last evenings at Kinloch the setting sun reflects off the lake and the side of our motorhome The Italian Job.
Looking back from the Bendigo Station road.
We couldn't quite make it up the steep gravel road into the Bendigo Station so after reversing back down the hill we waited for the others to rejoin us. GC
Crossing over into the MacKenzie. GC
A quick stop at Omarama and a look for a geocache at the merino sheep landmark. No that's not The Italian Job in the background. GC
There's no agriculture in the MacKenzie without water.
Everyone loves a rainbow. GC

The weather was looking a bit bleak for salmon fishing at Ohau A.
No matter which way you looked.
Parked up for lunch on a hill enjoying the solitutude. GC
Heading for Tekapo the weather didn't look that much better.
We decided against staying the night at Lake Alexandrina, there was bad weather on the way.
Instead stopped at a POP in Fairlie for $5.
That included some free range eggs.
And very vocal morning song.
All framed by the morning mist. GC
The road from Fairlie to Geraldine offered some interesting sights. GC
For many this won't mean much but it was our FTF (First to Find) geocache, after nearly 800 finds at the time, not far from Woodbury and Geraldine. GC
Up a gravel road looking for a geocache we found this weir, part of the Rangitata system, at Valetta.GC
This Rakaia salmon almost looks as if it was made by the same person as the trout at Gore except in mirror image. The second time here for another look and we did find the geocache. GC
Lincoln University GC
The inversion clouds drape the hills on the road to Akaroa.
For our trip over to Akaroa we choose to stay each night at the bay of French Farm. GC
Vineyards nestle in the hills of French Farm. GC
Some of the older buildings makes one think.......
Looking across the Akaroa Harbour from Onawe Pt. I find these views facinating. GC
The cruise ship in the harbour adds some perspective.
From French Farm on the way to Onawe and Akaroa a stop at the Barry's Bay cheese factory was a must.
Whilst we couldn't stay long enough to see it all there were pictures and a video of the process.
This time at Akaroa we didn't have to contend with the large amount of vehicle traffic which in fact made it quite pleasant. GC
All will be familiar with the French heritage of Akaroa which is evident everywhere including the name Mora (:-))
It was a great day so a trip to the Akaroa Heads was a must.
Sorry I didn't have the wide angle with me to capture the stunning volcanic cliffs. What you don't see here is, in a micro climate,the most southern population of Nikau Palm. So how did they get here........
Where we got some great views of the shy endangered Hectors Dolphins, the smallest dolphin in the world that lives in quite shallow water. Another population exists at Raglan.
Getting pics was hard enough even in sports mode as they only appeared for seconds and always where I wasn't looking......
Leaving Akaroa via the Summit Road provide some awesome views via a road that was interesting driving a 7m 4tonne motorhome. GC
From Akaroa we made our way to the Tai Tapu Domain, heading towards Christchurch. The little bridge caused us to stop for a while to take some time for consideration as it had a sign No Heavy Vehicles ! as a result of the earthquakes. The problem was what was Heavy? We crossed anyway.
Through the Gebbes Pass to Charteris Bay saw the next nights stay Orton Bradley Park. GC
The home to some very large gum trees. GC
The following pics were taken at Onawe Point on the way into Akaroa. We went there to find a geocache and found the rock formation so interesting. It's interesting to ponder the forces of nature that created these artistic images in there varying designs without any thought to them being viewed as would a human artist or sculptor.
Hoped you have enjoyed these few pics of some of the places we have visited over these few days. Barrie & Raewyn
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