Thursday, February 28, 2013

Taupo to Cape Reinga, NZ and back.
Pt 4: Kai Iwi Lakes to Ahipara Camp

Jan - Mar 2012 we travelled with friends, Chris and Kev, from Te Anau, for 8 weeks from Taupo to Cape Reinga and back to Auckland.  Following are some of the pics and places where we stayed and visited.  Enjoy the journey with us.

Trounson Kauri Park
From the Kai Iwi Lakes again heading north along the Kauri Coast Highway the next stop for us was to overnight at the Trounson Kauri Park.

Trounson Kauri Park is a few km off the main road but it’s worth a visit.  A small DOC park with good facilities.

We did go on a night tour hoping for a look at some Kiwi in the wild but that was not to be.  There were a number of large young Kauri.  The smaller of the two is Kev.
My what a ‘big boy’ you are!
Next stop continuing north towards Opononi was Te Matua Ngahere and the Four Sisters.

It was a great walk through the younger Kauri forest to Te Matua Ngahere.

Te Matua Ngahere – awesome.

The Father of the Forest

The Four Sisters.  Kauri trees that have grown so close they have become completely joined as one.

The end of the Kauri Coast Highway opens to a large view of the Hokianga and Opononi.

At the end of the road before dropping down to Opononi is a viewing area for the entrance to the Hokianga Harbour.

A lunch stop at the Opononi Hotel is a must.

As it a stroll down the wharf.  From previous visits, when time permits, this is a great wharf for fishing as it juts right out into the main current that flows in and out of the Hokianga.

Opononi was the home of one of New Zealand’s most famous dolphin, Opo.  Remembered by this sculpture.

And this plaque.
After a night at a POP right on the edge of the harbour it was off to Rawene and the ferry.

No it’s not a marine portaloo.

A quick photo stop at the café and off to catch the ferry that’s arriving.

Tell it to wait I haven’t finished my muffin.

Dora and crew are aboard so it’s off across the Hokianga to Kohu Kohu

Saying farewell to Rawene.

With a last photo op as we draw close to Kohu Kohu.

'Dora' backed up by ‘The Italian Job’ arrives at Kohu Kohu.

Are we there (Kohu Kohu) yet?

Yes we’re in the Far North now.

Yes I’m old enough to drink.

Arriving at Ahipara it was off up the hill for an expansive view of 90 mile beach.
See You on Pt 5: Ahipara Camp to Te Pua (Paua)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Taupo to Cape Reinga, NZ and back.
Pt 3: Wellsford to the Kai Iwi Lakes

Jan - Mar 2012 we travelled with friends, Chris and Kev, from Te Anau, for 8 weeks from Taupo to Cape Reinga and back to Auckland.  Following are some of the pics and places where we stayed and visited.  Enjoy the journey with us
The Kauri Museum at Matakohe is a 'must stop'. 

There and a great many outstanding displays depicting the age of Kauri milling.

All the models used in the displays are fashioned from local people.

On the road from Matakohe to Dargaville you pass a well known landmark called Toka Toka.  That's the pointy one in the distance.

The challenge was to climb Toka Toka to see the view and find the geocache at the top.  This view is to the North with the Wairoa rive in the background.

This pic gives an idea of how high.  In almost the centre of the pic at the edge of the bush you can just make out the two motorhomes, 'Dora' and 'The Italian Job.  This view is to the East.
A similar view to the above pic looking more to the Sou-East.  Again you can see the motorhomes.  Certainly wouldn't like to make the steep climb after some rain.  Yes we did find the geocache.

A night in Dargaville and a geocache or two and it was off to the Kai Iwi Lakes.

Via a short stop at Bayleys Beach for lunch.

After a bit of a stroll on the beach.

To the Kai Iwi Lakes for a few nights.

A swim at the Lakes was very refreshing. 

With a nice fish around 4LB spinning. Well done Kev.
And one a bit smaller fly fishing.

For Pt 4 we'll continue from the Kai Iwi Lakes up the Kauri Coast to Opononi.

Taupo to Cape Reinga, NZ (2012) Pt 2: Waikite Springs

Taupo to Cape Reinga, NZ and back.
Pt 2: Waikite Springs to Wellsford.

Jan - Mar 2012 we travelled with friends, Chris and Kev, from Te Anau, for 8 weeks from Taupo to Cape Reinga and back to Auckland.  Following are some of the pics and places where we stayed and visited.  Enjoy the journey with us.
From Waikite Springs we had to pass through Rotorua.  There's pictures of Rotorua in other blogs but not one quite like this.  I mentioned that we were geocachers and yes there was a geocache in one of the tubes on top.

We were on our way to catch up with great friends, Rob and Jane (that's the two in the middle), who we had all spent some great times motorhoming together  in the South Island.

Rob and Jane have bought a lifestyle property not far from Te Awamutu and a couple of really enjoyable days were spent with them before we moved on.  Without doubt Rob excels in fun game charades.  He'll remember - or will he?

The Rob & Jane reservation - plenty of grass so where's all the bison?
Notice how I cleverly got myself in the picture - cunning huh!

Rob and Jane are also keen geocachers - there's one here around the giant cicada!!!

All to soon we have to be on our way.  Off to meet Kev & Chris' friendd out of Cambridge.  On the way it was a quick tourist stop at the Karapiro Dam.  To skinny for motorhomes to cross.

Looking for a geocache gave another view.  Supposedly it's good trout fishing down there.

Out of Cambridge saw us at the roads end, that's the white dots in the middle.

A bit closer.
Parked up for a very rural evening.  Hope the weather holds.

There's not many places in town or city that could offer this fine rural dining.

A couple of nights stop at Ray's Rest on the Seabird Coast.

And a reward from the sea.

And it was a fast pass through Auckland to the Matakana Farmers Market.

A short distance out from Warkworth.

A bit of sightseeing.

An interesting place to 'spend a penny'.

Then just out from Matakana is Morris and James.

To spend much more than 'a penny'.

From Matakana the destination for the night was Maungaturoto with a quick stop looking for a couple of geocaches on the way through Wellsford.  Pt 3 will start at the Kauri Museum at Matakohe.